Monday, October 24, 2011
Silverado Iris
Sunday, October 23, 2011
wedding flower shapes
Understanding the diversity of flower shapes can help brides communicate with their florists about the best flower choices for their bouquets and wedding arrangements. Learn to categorize flowers into these eight basic shapes, discover the best way to incorporate certain shapes into arrangements, and review examples of each flower shape.

Saturday, October 15, 2011
globe amaranth
Gomphrena globosa
Common Name:
Globe Amaranth
An annual in frost-free zones, but grows best in areas with hot summers.
Height: one to three feetWidth: one footExposure:
Globe amaranth grows best in full sun to partial shade. Too much shade reduces blooming and makes plants lanky.
Bloom Period:
Early summer to frost
Gomphrena grows well in average garden soil to slightly sandy soil. Plants still bloom in heavy clay but height may be somewhat stunted. Globe amaranth tolerates wet or dry conditions, but don’t plant in areas with standing water.
You can start globe amaranth from seed, but the plants take about eight weeks from seed to flower, so start seeds indoors in late winter for earliest blooms. It’s easy to collect seed from globe amaranth flowers at the end of the growing season; you can find a seed at the base of each petal.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Red Roses and White Jasmine Flower Accents
Saturday, October 8, 2011
indian pink
The tidy habit of the Indian Pink is a welcome change from woodland flowers that take over the entire garden, like lily-of-the-valley and dead nettles. In its native habitat, you might find this uncommon wildflower growing along shady streams in woodland areas. However, there’s no need to poach plants from the wild; an increasing number of nurseries are satisfying the consumer demand for this plant.
Latin Name:
Indian Pink belongs to the genus Spigelia marilandica, which is part of the Loganaceae family. The Indian Pink plant is unusual in that most other plants in the Loganaceae family are tropical or annual flowers.
Indian Pink, Woodland Pinkroot, Worm Grass
USDA Hardiness Zones:
Indian Pink plants grow in zones 5 to 9. The native range of the plant is in the Southeastern part of the United States, but gardeners in other parts of the United States can try their hand at growing this low-care plant if their shade garden has rich loam and moist conditions.
Indian Pinks form clumps that grow between 12 and 18 inches.
Flowers of Indian Pink Plants:
Indian Pink plants flower during May and June, revealing crimson tubular blossoms that terminate in a yellow, five-tipped flare.
In addition to giving Indian Pink a sheltered, shady spot in the garden, you must provide this flower with rich, moist soil. Like most wildflowers, Indian Pink doesn’t require fertilizer, but it does appreciate the nutrients from a regular application of compost or leaf mold.
You can propagate the Indian Pink through division, or by gathering ripe seedheads from faded blossoms in early summer. Try to collect the seedheads before they burst, ejecting the seeds willy-nilly into the garden.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Let’s state the facts up front: Delphiniums are finicky flowers, and even for gardeners with the perfect climate and soil, they are short-lived perennials. Most plants decline rapidly after the third season of growth.
Now, let’s sweep aside those minor inconveniences and get these blue beauties into our gardens. No other perennial flower offers the range of royal, midnight, and sky blue hues combined with the drama of a six-foot flower spike. Delphiniums also grow in complementary white, pink, and lavender tones, sometimes with contrasting black or white centers.
Genus Delphinium, Family Ranunculaceae
Common Name:
Hardy in zones 3-7, but performs poorly in areas with hot summers.
2-6 feet, depending on the variety
Full sun, or partial shade with morning sun in hot areas.
Bloom Period:
Early summer
Delphiniums demand moist soil, but they will rot in heavy clay with poor drainage. If you have problems with clay soil, it’s better to build a raised garden bed for the delphinium planting site. Even with staking, delphiniums don’t like to be whipped around by high winds, so place them close to the house or a privacy fence for protection.
Delphiniums are one of the perennials that thrive in alkaline soil, so if your pH falls below 6.5, broadcast some lime in the planting area.
Like many garden ornamental plants, delphiniums are susceptible to aphids, slugs, powdery mildew, and rust. A bacterial disease called “blacks,” sometimes mistaken as bacterial black spot, is actually a manifestation of cyclamen mites. These mites are invisible to the naked eye and resist treatment, so gardeners should remove affected plants.